Pakistan Dentist   › Bashir Dental Care Haripur

Bashir Dental Care Haripur


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  • 24/7/365 (Always Open)
  • Root Canals (Endodontics)

    Price After Checkup
    Accept Insurance Yes

    Root Canal is used for defining a natural cavity in the middle of a tooth. The treatment is used to save and repair a badly decayed tooth. It also helps a teeth from getting infected. Dentists apply root canal procedure to remove the nerve and pulp of a teeth for cleaning its insides. Root Canal is a lengthy procedure and eliminates further decay and abscesses from forming. Tooth's nerve is only responsible for the sensation of hot and cold and does not affect the everyday functioning of a tooth. Visit your nearest dentist for a professional root canal treatment.

  • Crown and caps

    Price After Checkup
    Accept Insurance Yes

    Crown is a tooth shaped cap placed over a tooth to improve its appearance. It also helps to resize and restore its strength. Dental crowns encase the entire visible portion of a tooth laying above the gum line. Crowns are needed to protect weak tooth from further decay. It also helps to hold a dental bridge in place, cover discolored teeth, cover a dental implant and to apply a cosmetic modification. Visit your dentist to protect your teeth with dental crowning and caps.

  • Teeth Whitening

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    Teeth Whitening uses bleaching to lighten the color of your teeth for a better smile. The procedure does not turn your teeth brilliant white but has a significant impact on the existing color of your teeth. Many beauty clinics perform the procedure but for the best results it is always best to get it done by a professional dentists. Do not go for beauticians offer teeth whitening without a licensed dental experts. Most of the Beauty salons are illegal and may result in an oral tooth infection. Reserve your appointment with a dental expert for a better tooth color.

  • Fillings

    Price After Checkup
    Accept Insurance Yes

    Dental Fillings prevent teeth from further decay. Reserve an appointment with a dentist to close off the gaps and spaces between teeth. The filling material depends on your dentist. Commonly used materials for fillings include porcelain, gold, a composite resin (tooth-colored fillings) and an amalgam (allow made of silver, copper, zinc and tin in some cases). The type of material used is directly associated with the cost of the fillings procedure.

  • General Checkup

    Price After Checkup
    Accept Insurance Yes

    A General Checkup without any issue will just be reviewing all your teeth to foresee any issues you may have sitting in their silently. However if you have pain or trouble in any part of your mouth the dentist will need to do a thorough checkup and X-ray of that part. Before anything is done inside your mouth your Dentist will need to diagnose the root cause of issue. It is recommended you must see your dentist twice a year for general checkups to prevent any major dental issues in future.

  • Orthodontics

    Price After Checkup
    Accept Insurance Yes

    Other dental problems include tooth erosion, mouth sores, tooth sensitivity, unattractive smile, oral cancer, bad breath and periodontal (Gum) disease. Always consult with a dental expert at the start of any tooth issue to avoid more pain.

  • Tooth Extractions

    Price After Checkup
    Accept Insurance Yes

    Other dental problems include tooth erosion, mouth sores, tooth sensitivity, unattractive smile, oral cancer, bad breath and periodontal (Gum) disease. Always consult with a dental expert at the start of any tooth issue to avoid more pain.

  • Gum Disease

    Price After Checkup
    Accept Insurance Yes

    Gum disease is a common condition in which gums become sore, infected and swollen. Common symptoms of a gum disease include bleeding and bad breadth. The early stage is known as gingivitis and if it isn't treated properly, it turns into a condition known as periodontists. This weakens the supporting teeth, damaging the bone in your jaw to open up a space between the gum and teeth. In severe cases your teeth become loose and fall out. Visit a dental expert to get treatment for gingivitis and all other gum diseases.

Reviews (1):

(1 reviews) Post Review
  • Abiha fatima 15 Dec, 2022 12:31 PM

    A great place to go and take care of your teeth. The Dr was very professional examining and providing with solutions by priority. Great services and highly recommended

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